Demo Site

Monday, December 12, 2011

Ooops! Someone deployed google search with the wrong css...

Hover over a google search result in chrome and you see this:

Notice the edges of the red and blue google plus icon. Appears even Google's testing isn't perfect-

Monday, June 20, 2011

Chrome developer tools - copy command

This apparently hasn't made it into the official documentation for the chrome dev tools, so here it is to not forget, to get the contents of a variable out of the console and onto your clipboard for pasting pleasure, use the copy(yourvariable) command :)

rest of the reference -

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Running Eurekastreams on windows with eclipse

  1. install egit, m2eclipse
  2. clone git repo using egit import wizard - use the url on the git site ( and make the clone location be in your current workspace
  3. modify the poms for windows before using  the m2eclipse/maven project wizard - saves an extra step rebuilding the app again
  4. modifications necessary for windows:
    1. comment out the maven-checkstyle-plugin in the parent pom
    2. comment out the exec-maven-plugin with the chmodder execution in parent.pom and web module.
    3. comment out the two sections refercing the lib-java folder in web module pom
    4. add value to your maven build 
  5. import as existing maven project (with the git repo as the target directory), and make sure every module is being managed by maven 
  6. make sure you have postgres 8.4 installed, if not, get the installer here -
  7. create a db called eurekastreams, a user called eurekastreams, and make the password whatever you want, but place the password in the file under eurekastreams.db.password 
  8. run this batch file (switching in your own file paths as appropriate) on the db scripts in the generated build folder (from  rocketman -!searchin/eureka-streams-dev/windows/eureka-streams-dev/jjxcGb0b66o/FXr3dDO8tt4J
    1. REM @echo off 

      set PGPASSWORD=yourpassword (eg eurekastreams)
      set ES_HOME=C:\workspaces\workspace.35sr1\eurekastreams 
      cd %ES_HOME%\web\target\classes\db\schema 
      for /r . %%i in ("*.sql") do psql -U eurekastreams -f %%i 

      cd %ES_HOME%\web\target\classes\db\migration\0\8 
      for /r . %%i in ("*.sql") do psql -U eurekastreams  -f %%i 

      cd %ES_HOME%\web\target\classes\db\migration\0\9 
      for /r . %%i in ("*.sql") do psql -U eurekastreams -f %%i 

      cd %ES_HOME%\web\target\classes\db\migration\1\0 
      for /r . %%i in ("*.sql") do psql -U eurekastreams  -f %%i 

    2. setting the pgpassword as an environmental variable is a bit insecure, but I don't think this will both most people setting up es for testing.
  9. run the app with jetty, and use one of the default browsers already in the ApplidationDev.gwt.xml file, or add/change it to include gwt compilation for your browser (aka chrome :)
  10. and hopefully....eureka


